News and Recent Activities
Please get in touch via the school email: or call 01600 750273 to speak to Meg, our Pre-school leader, Miss Jones, our Headteacher, or Christine for booking information.
This term we have been looking at shadows and making our own inside and out.
We are also very keen on cleaning our teeth in Pre-school as you can see by the giant toothbrush and set of teeth we have to practice with!
In Rmembrance week we planted poppies for Remembrance Day. We always have a lot of fun in the woods and really enjoyed the new sand pit
We have learnt lots of nursery rhymes for national nursery rhyme week!
We have also learned about Diwali Rangoli patterns
National Story Telling week in February and our stories were 'The Gingerbread Man' and 'The Three Billy Goats Gruff'. We made gingerbread people from mud, and playdough and built bridges in our Forest School session.
The children also had a lesson on how to clean their teeth with Christina. During the spring term visited Barton Farm to learn about lambing and even saw a lamb being born! We had a great time running down the fields - even though it poured with rain!
Forest Schools is always great fun. We do not miss - rain, snow or shine - so the children always need to be prepared with wellies and coats or sun cream!