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Garway Primary School

Early Years Foundation Stage

Children in the Reception class follow the Foundation Stage curriculum and work towards achieving the Early Learning Goals. Teaching and learning activities provide young children with the opportunity to explore, experiment, plan and make decisions for themselves, enabling them to learn, develop and make good progress. Learning takes place both inside the classroom and in the outdoor learning area.

There are six areas of learning which provide a foundation for later achievement:

  • Personal, Social and Emotional Development

Children learn how to work, play and solve problems together to become independent and confident learners, and learn to share, take turns and think about others.

  • Communication, language and literacy

Children learn how to develop their speaking and listening skills. They listen and respond to stories and learn to read their own name and familiar words. They learn the name and sounds of the letters of the alphabet and sight words. In their writing they use pictures, symbols, letters and familiar words.

  • Mathematics

Children are taught through practical activities to develop their understanding of number, measurement, pattern, shape and space.

  • Knowledge and understanding of the world

Children find out about living things and the world around them. They talk about their families, friends and where they live, and they find out about other people’s lives, beliefs and attitudes. They learn to use ICT, including robots, cameras and computers.

  • Physical development

Children learn to move confidently using different apparatus both inside and outside. They are able to handle tools, objects and a variety of materials with control.

  • Creative development

Children communicate their feelings and imagination through dance, music, imaginative play and art.

Transition to KS1

The Foundation Stage curriculum is continued into Year 1 to ensure that children make a smooth transition from Foundation Stage to the national curriculum according to their individual learning needs.

Curriculum Overview EYFS 2023

GPS Phonics Policy 2024