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Garway Primary School


We use many different methods to ensure that pupils are making progress as they move through the school. Teachers continually assess children’s progress to set targets and plan appropriate activities for their next stage of learning.  Feedback and targets are shared with the children, so that they understand the next step and what they need to be able to do to meet their own targets. Parents are informed of targets and are encouraged to support their child at home to achieve them.

More formal assessments are carried out periodically, particularly towards the end of units of work or at the end of the academic year.

Children’s achievements are celebrated in their classrooms and throughout the school. We have a weekly ‘Smiley’ Assembly to celebrate good behaviour, enthusiasm, effort and progress. At the end of each term we also hold an ‘Awards Assembly’ to celebrate those children who have good attendance or who have demonstrated significant effort or achievement in their work, attitude or behaviour.

Reporting to parents

Parents and Carers receive an update in the autumn term, giving an overview of how their child is performing within their new year group, and detailing their personal targets in the core areas of English and maths.

A detailed, written report is issued towards the end of the summer term.

If your child is in Reception, this will include a summary of your child’s progress towards achieving the Early Learning Goals.

If your child is in Years 1 to 6, the report will include a summary of your child’s progress in each National Curriculum subject, as well as a measure of your child’s attainment and strengths and weaknesses in the core subjects of English, maths and science.

There will be opportunities for you to meet with your child’s class teacher at a ‘Parents’ Evening’ in the autumn and summer terms.  However, we are happy to discuss any concerns about pupils’ progress at any time of the year.

Assessment Information 2024.pdf
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